Listen To This! ‘King David’s Band.’ All God’s people who sing His praises are members of King David’s Band
Like a dream, my spirit goes back years and years,The music still rings in my ears.Way back when, there was music of peace and of loveAnd songs to the sky up above. Songs of black against white, and boy against girl,Not much to salute when a flag was unfurled.Rich...
Listen To This! ‘Make A Joyful Noise,’ a song of redemption
A troubled man cryin’ awake in his bed;A soul full of regrets for the life he has led.A light fills his heart. What did he do?One prayer to his maker, and he’s born anew. The exalted among us will see their last day.The humblest existence will end the same way.This...
Encouragement: A Gift That Keeps On Giving
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Yet there is one gift that blesses the receiver just as much as it blesses the giver: Encouragement. Encouragement is like a pebble dropped into the pond that sends its ripples out. It creates a virtuous circle...
Listen to This! ‘Raoul Wallenberg’ is a song about a man who saved many from death at the hands of the Nazis
In this fallen world, the call to faith in Jesus goes out to all God's people, created in His image. And we of faith are told that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil. Click to listen.
It’s Not Rocket Science. It’s The Trinity.
Our Redeemer Jesus tells us to go and make disciples. As we approach unbelievers, the defense of our faith – what theologians call apologetics – is rooted in a basic reality which, I believe, is apparent to all of humanity.
The One Thing I Know To Be True: God Is Real
In a business interview, I was asked “What one thing do you know is true?” and my only answer was God is real and the Bible is true.
Behind Prison Walls by David Berkowitz: Living In A House of Prayer and a Place of Miracles
While most people in society are not convicted criminals, we all stand as convicted sinners under His perfect system of justice. All have broken his laws and, as a result, transgressed against Him.
Seeing the Divine in the Fallen: God’s Creation in Art
Through the paintings of Constable, Turner, Friedrich and the Hudson River School, we experience our Maker’s infinite majesty in the splendor of nature.