
The Faith Underground is a source for messages in words and music which may reflect “off the beaten path” perspectives on matters of the Christian faith.

Our Mission

The Faith Underground is a forum of communication and sharing for believers in the Triune God — Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Powered by the Holy Spirit, with steadfast belief in the redemption that comes by Jesus, our Lord, and through the saving grace of God the Father, we encourage all fellow believers to step into the light!

Our Story

Faith Underground is a mission of Gregory and Pamela N. Danziger. Called to faith early in their romance in 1985, they combine their God-given talents to live, work and share the Good News.

Greg was raised in a Jewish home, which grounded his belief in a holy and just God. But as he pursued his spiritual journey, he felt weighed down by sin. He saw the need for redemption and became interested in Jesus, the Redeemer who pays for sin. A late night spent reading Job after troubles hit early in their relationship reminded him of the power of God. The Holy Spirit then brought him to faith in Jesus Christ.

Being raised a Jew, he was confused by the fracturing of the Christian church into denominations.  This led him to an intensive study of the Bible, including one year in seminary, where he found the Reformed doctrine of salvation closest to his convictions. But the stance of Reformed denominations didn’t align with Greg’s believing world view. He attends a Mennonite ethnically-diverse congregation in Lancaster, Pa.

Greg writes and records his own music as Jeremiah Nighthawk Taylor — Jeremiah for the prophet, Nighthawk for bluesman Robert Nighthawk and Taylor for his guitar — expressing his faith and world view in music. He also contributes thoughts and musings in the Faith Underground blog.

Pam Danziger has a Master’s in Library Science (M.L.S.) degree and is a market researcher and founder of Unity Marketing. She is recognized in the business world as an expert in retail and most especially the affluent consumer market. She is an author of nine business books, a speaker and contributor to Forbes.com. But while she continues to work in the business world, the Holy Spirit is directing her in an ultimately far more important work — that of spreading the Good News of a holy, forgiving God who pays for sin.

Raised in a nominal Christian home and attending a Methodist church as a young girl, her scientific/research bent and the influence of her secular education led her away from the Bible’s teaching, particularly the creation story. If the Bible was “wrong” from the start, how could it be right in the rest, she wrongly reasoned.

But she continued to hold a vague belief in a God, but one that was distant and removed, not personal or involved in our, or her, day-to-day struggles.

She met Greg in late summer 1984 and both knew immediately that each was an answer to a prayer for lifelong companionship and love. They married in March 1985 and Pam brought a daughter, Genevieve, from a previous relationship. They had a son, Ariel, together ten months after marrying, then another son, Nathanael, four years after. Today they are Opa and Oma to five precious grandchildren.

Besides Greg, Pam’s most profound influence in her faith in the triune God was her Granny, her maternal grandmother and a Baptist minister’s wife. At two-years old after the birth of her little sister, Granny shared the story of the resurrection and hope to come as they looked down together into the baby’s crib. Granny left this world when Pam was only ten years old. Her prayers and her influence found fruition in Pam’s coming to faith in Jesus, the redeemer.

Together, Greg and Pam hope that Faith Underground is a blessing to the extended family of believers. In every opportunity Greg shares the Good News with those he meets. He opens with “I’m a Jew…for Jesus,” which catches most everyone’s attention. Faith Underground aims to edify fellow believers, expanding their perspectives on matters of the Christian faith. May you be blessed by their ministry.