Like a dream, my spirit goes back years and years,
The music still rings in my ears.
Way back when, there was music of peace and of love
And songs to the sky up above.
Songs of black against white, and boy against girl,
Not much to salute when a flag was unfurled.
Rich against poor, there was weak against strong,
All that mattered to us ended up in a song.
Life went on, and we saw that these wrongs would not die,
As we sang our sweet songs to the sky.
And some learned that love should not lead us to sin,
But come from God’s Spirit within.
There was black against white, and boy against girl,
Not much to salute when a flag was unfurled.
Rich against poor, there was weak against strong,
To find love and peace, we’d need more than a song.
Evil lives and injustice and hate will not cease,
Until Jesus returns and brings peace.
David prayed and sang songs to his God who would save,
The anointed of Israel, so brave.
He sang to God who will love, a great God who can heal,
Hears of our sorrow, knows all that we feel.
Lifts us out of our misery, do all for our best.
Let’s hear when He calls, He will give our souls rest.
Now look up! It’s time to call God’s people home,
No longer in evil to roam,
And sing out. Sing out, David’s band, let’s all speak!
This is no time to be weak!
Sing to God who will love, our great God who can heal,
He hears of our sorrow, knows all that we feel.
Lifts us out of our misery, do all for our best.
Let’s hear when He calls, He will give our souls rest.
This is no time to be weak! This is no time to be weak!
All music and lyrics © Jeremiah Nighthawk Taylor, 2017