During a recent interview to promote my latest business book, the interviewer threw me for a loop as we closed. She asked “What one thing do you know for absolute certain is true?”

Such business appearances are pretty standard affairs for me. So I was prepped and had my talking points ready, but I was taken completely by surprise by that final question, like I know anything in business that is absolutely true, other than trite statements everyone has heard before.

However, she prefaced the question by saying it a question that Oprah asks all her guests. I’m no Oprah fan, but I often tune into her “Super Soul Sunday” broadcasts because she occasionally has interesting guests from a Christian perspective and others who provide “opposition research.” We need to know the evil one’s lies being spread throughout the culture by so-called “spiritual” book authors.

I’m almost ashamed to say that the reference to Oprah gave me the courage to take it out of the business realm to reveal the absolute one truth that I know for sure: God of the Bible is real and the Bible is true from beginning to end.

Then, I proceeded to explain in my dominant left-brain way that recent scientific discoveries prove for certain that life is not some accident that arose from indeterminate natural processes as asserted by the theory of evolution. It took an infinitely greater intelligence to design life in all its many forms, i.e., God. So I explained that I know for sure that the complex coding in DNA required a “programmer,” just like it takes a programmer to write computer code.

For example, Oxford Professor John Lennox, a mathematician, bioethicist, and Christian apologist – in other words, a scientifically-grounded defender of the faith – explains that the human DNA code is made up of 6.4 billion individual letters. It effectively is a word that confers meaning to control the complex processes within the cell. And that points to John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

I didn’t go further during the interview recording; time didn’t allow it. But I felt that one little message might lead some back to The Bible, which starts with the true story of creation. However, after the interview, we spent another 15 minutes offline talking about our shared faith. Who knew that my interviewer was a person of faith, too?

It’s not like I hide my beliefs, even in business. My closest business colleagues know I am a Christian, but it isn’t a topic that generally comes up in a business setting. When it does, it is a personal joy to share my faith.

I approach being a Christian in the business world as much as possible by modeling Christ’s love and compassion, doing good to others as I would have them do to me and sharing insights and information that will help them in their business. I want to be a blessing to all I encounter, both in personal and business settings.

Beyond my personal connections, I also try to seed the articles and books I write with biblical references if the content allows. To date, some 7.8 million readers have hit my Forbes.com articles, a number that blows my mind.

For example, a recent story on the Tommy Bahama brand gave me an opening. The company CEO I interviewed said they always put “some sand” into their product offerings, referring to Tommy Bahama as the quintessential island-lifestyle brand.

I used that sand metaphor to allude to Matthew 7:24–27 in my article and the parable of the house built on rock that can withstand the rain, the floods and the wind. I then played with how Tommy Bahama is a “rock” of a brand that has withstood changing consumer tastes and shopping behaviors that was built out of sand.

Such a reference might have been a cheap shot, but I believe those with ears to hear and eyes to see will get the message that the article’s author is a person of faith, or at least one who knows her Bible.

How ironic then that the final hymn in Church after I published the story was:

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

It might have been a mere coincidence, but I like to believe it was one of those little daily miracles where God sends us a message. “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much,” as Jesus said in the parable of the talents, Matthew 25: 14-30.

God’s given each of us unique talents to put to work in His kingdom. I want to use mine more. He gave me recent openings to do it in little ways. I trust Him to show me even bigger ways in the future. And I pray the same for you.

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.” Galatians 6: 10.