With humor, “Cruel Twist of Fate” reminds us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
You’re laying in your bed and feeling all is well.
Then you get the bad news, and it’s all shot to hell.
Just when you recover, and think you got a fix,
It all falls down again,
One of Satan’s little tricks.
It can happen in an instant;
It can happen most any time. You know that
Cruel twist of fate is a surprise for you to find.
You go on down the road and you fall down to your knees,
Cause you’re out of gas and oil, window washer fluid and antifreeze.
So you sit down in the snow and ponder what to do,
But your lips and hands and feet and eyes and nose and tongue and ears,
Are all froze through.
It can happen in an instant;
It can happen most any time. You know that
Cruel twist of fate hits you like a snowplow from behind.
Let’s reason now together and think about these words,
We know that our Creator even cares for flowers and birds.
So don’t be an ass and kick and fight and scream.
It’ll all be over soon enough,
Like some unpleasant dream.
It can happen in an instant;
It can happen most any time. You know that
Cruel twist of fate can be a lesson so Divine.
All music and lyrics © Jeremiah Nighthawk Taylor, 2017