At a business dinner several years ago, my wife and I met a woman who expressed interest in our life among the Amish and Mennonites in southeastern Pennsylvania.  During our conversation, we mentioned that our sons attended Christian school. That changed the tenor of our discussion. 

She quickly showed her hostility to our faith.  She asked if we actually believed the “fairy tales” in the Bible – the stories of the creation, Adam and Eve, the flood of Noah’s time, and Jesus’ miracles, death and resurrection.  She seemed surprised when we affirmed our belief in the truth and authority of scripture.  Our dinner host, a gracious amiable man, quickly changed the course of conversation.

This woman told us that she placed her faith in the “science” of today.  But we know that this science may at times be unscientifically led by thinkers who have little or no interest in the truths presented in the Old and New Testaments. Often these experts are openly hostile to God and His revealed truth.

This should come as no surprise, for it has been going on since the beginning.

Paul too confronted the experts of his time.  Greek philosophy was far from crude rudimentary thinking.  Those who have had even minimal experience in reading it can easily see that it was the result of highly complex thinking done by men who were anything but simple, ancient primitives.

But all this thinking brought the ancient Greeks no closer to peace within their souls than the atheists of our day.  Their intricately devised systems of thinking, along with their system of deities, provided them no hope – a hope known only by believers coming before a loving God who forgives all who come to Him. 

When Paul proclaimed the Gospel on Mars Hill, he was ridiculed. This was much too much for the Greeks who worshipped many gods and who held their philosophers in high regard. And when Paul appeared before Roman procurator Festus and King Agrippa, Festus declared, “Your great learning has made you insane.” Paul told them of God the Son, who paid for sin by providing Himself as the Father’s own sacrifice for the sins of those who would come to love Him.  

“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes,” writes Paul.  This gospel included the implicit understanding that the accounts of creation and the flood were actual events. These truths are being revealed by many scientists not blinded by their embedded belief systems. However, the majority refuse to look objectively at these discoveries which reveal the workings of the hand of God.

Yet some who profess faith go along with current “expert thinking.”  Perhaps fearing to be labeled “unscientific” or even simple minded, they are co-opted by the very people who seek to undermine the truth of Scripture.  Upon being confronted by these experts, they are willing to throw God’s revealed truth under the bus.

They are ashamed of the Gospel.

The experts of our day, as the experts of any time, close ranks in group think.  They march lock step as they refuse any challenge to their belief system.  They represent the “world think” of those who deny God.

Believers must not support, promote or acquiesce to “scientific,” social and quasi-spiritual belief systems which are antithetical to the truths of our faith.

We of faith must never accept any narrative which supersedes scripture.  As we are presented with these false narratives concerning the nature of reality and man’s place in it, believers need to experience the renewal of our very minds by the power of the Holy Spirit.