“I don’t care if it rains or freezes, long as I’ve got my plastic Jesus glued to the dashboard of my car.”
That’s a line in a song by the Goldcoast Singers, recorded in 1962. I heard it on the car radio one day driving to a university class. I still remember thinking of the plastic idol on car dashboards – a reality for some who called themselves believers. Though I was not a believer then, I understood that Christians considered Him divine. Even I could see that their God was being trivialized in a plastic piece of junk.
A few years before that, as a teen, I was once asked if I “loved” Jesus. Why would I love him, I thought? No reason for this love was given to me.
Though I desperately needed forgiveness for my sins back then, all that was being asked was if I loved Jesus. I was being asked if I would like to join the Jesus club. I declined.
Faith is not “pop” or cliché or trivial. I believe that trite “Christian-speak” expressions that become popular at different times do a disservice in addressing the soul-deep need of every human to be reconciled with God through Jesus, the Anointed One.
Slogans and repeated phrases – though they may be Biblical – may lack meaning to the unbeliever when they are repeatedly used to make a first step at reaching wounded hearts.
We are made in God’s image, and we all need to transcend this life of pain and sin. The “Christian speak” that believers often fall into can sound superficial. If it does not address the reality of faith, it is fake, by definition.
I can’t help but wonder if believers in the original church of the Apostles in Jerusalem asked Gentiles if they “loved” Jesus. Or if they were told that “Jesus loves them?”
“He is risen” is a historical truth. The resurrection truth is powerful. It is powerful because it delivers the Savior to His people. It is a truth that saves me from paying for my sins – which I could never do.
But when that same phrase is proclaimed on countless banners on countless churches it gets watered down as we seek to call the sinner. And that is our job – isn’t it?
God can use anything to call His people to Him – even the John 3:16 sign held up in sports stadiums or the “He is Risen” banners on churches at Easter.
But why must the trite predominate? Can’t we, individually as believers, and societally as His church, touch hearts in a more personal, moving way?
Perhaps if we remind others of the sin that wounds them fatally, we would be doing as Jesus would have us do. The first words of His ministry were the call to repentance.
That call is one of reconciliation with God. That is why the Savior came to humanity. That is why I have hope of eternal life with my Creator. He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, through the work of the only powerful man who has ever existed: Messiah Jesus! – fully human, yet fully divine.
We can communicate God’s love with our words, with our actions, and with our behavior. We can tell of Him to those who are mentally challenged, to the worst of criminals, to the rabid atheist, and to a small child. All need God’s love. We needn’t be eloquent. But we need to be real – and never trivialize the message or meaning of our Savior.
I appreciate your emphasis on not trivializing Jesus and present what He really is and came to do. We frequently have very weak motivations in representing Jesus. It seem the original believers had real passion about the Jesus they believed and worshiped. I sometimes represent Him out of a creed belief rather than a heart of passion for Him.
This from reader J. Perey: “Not surprisingly your post “Plastic Jesus” deeply resonated in my own heart as to how dangerously far off-track “Christianity” in the heart of not only the Church, but the individual believer as well, has moved.
It’s a proactive cautionary drumbeat that challenges each and every believer, myself most definitely not excluded, to examine their own hearts, beliefs, and motives as we walk down the path Jesus has placed before us.
Back in September, 2018, the Lord placed a remarkably similar theme in and on my own heart and mind, too. You can find that message here on my site https://onesuponmytime.com/2018/09/04/god-in-the-box/
What am I, what are we, pray tell, to think about this almost twin-like occurrence of the same message from the two of us who haven’t a clue about the other? Firstly, I’m reminded of baby John and baby Jesus, still in their mother’s wombs “leaping” when their mothers drew near to one another.
While we most certainly have different earthly parents, it is also emphatically true that we share the same Heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus. Blessed be the tie of grace that binds His children together through His Holy Spirit! How can you be anything but encouraged, how can you not leap, whenever you’re made aware of a tie such as this?!?!
Secondly, and of most importance, the shared message brought up in “Plastic Jesus” and “God-in-the-box” are obviously of concern to our Lord. Let us pray for increased awareness and conviction of these concerns not only within ourselves, but also for individual followers that make up His Church.
Keep following His nudges! Blessings on your Faith Underground ministry!”
Why wouldn’t they have told the gentiles about Jesus? Wasn’t that God’s clear command from the New Testament?
Explaining God’s redemptive plan through the coming of the Messiah is not the same as asking someone if they know that Jesus loves them or asking them if they love Jesus. Thanks, Steve, for your interest. Blessings…